Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, December 25, 2009

The Best Christmas Present Ever

After a nice church service, we headed to my parents house for Christmas Eve. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with the Glacken family. Charlie was dressed in his Santa suit and he loved all of the excitement of cousins, aunt, uncles, and Grandma and Poppy. As with all babies, Charlie was more anxious to play with the boxes than the presents inside the boxes. He even climbed in a box. I think he is taking too literally what John and I keep telling him: that he is "the best Christmas present ever".

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Big Family Thanksgiving

It has been a very busy week. We hosted Thanksgiving at our home and we had a house full of family. My Grandparents came in from St. Louis and Charlie met his Great Ma Ma and Pa Pa Mueller for the first time. Also from St. Louis came my Aunt Ellen (mom's sister) and Uncle Frank. It was nice to have them here with us for the Holiday. After Thanksgiving dinner, we had a family poker game which I'm only writing about because I won!!! On Friday, the boys went golfing (ask John about the "Great Quitting of 09") while the girls went to Cannon Village for a Christmas fair and carriage rides. Charlie loved the carriage. Our St. Louis family headed home on Saturday. Charlie had a hard time adjusting on Saturday...I think he was used to all of the people and excitement...he had a hard time settling down and was very grumpy. All was well again on Sunday!