Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Charlie's First Haircut--Before Shots

Big day for Charlie today! He had his first haircut. Aunt Erin came to the house after work to snip his locks. He had hair growing over his ears with a mullet in the back. We thought about waiting but everyone that I've talked to says that they wish they would have done the first haircut we decided to go for it. He was an angel. Erin said she's never had a baby be so good for his haircut. It was probably because we were distracting him with both the camera and video camera....we all know that Charlie loves having his picture taken!!!

After Pictures

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Little Magellan

Charlie is enjoying exploring every inch of our house. He's into everything. We finally put up our baby gates to keep him contained. We laughed at a recent episode of "Cougar Town" where the father on baby duty put his son (who is about Charlie's age) on a leash. Here are snapshots of his recent explorations. Notice him checking out "Wine Spectator"...chip of the old blocks.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Charlie Pulled Up

About a week and 1/2 ago, I put Charlie down for a nap. He was in there for about 10 minutes when he started to cry (not unusual when he's put down for a nap). I let him cry for a little while but it just got more intense finally turning into a full blown WAIL. I went up there to check on him and imagine my surprise to find him standing. Seeing me, he quickly turned off the tears and put a huge smile on his face. I had to get the camera!

Christmas Night

We enjoyed our first Christmas together with Charlie. Just a quiet night at home with the 3 of us.