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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentines Day...The Invasion of the Body Snatchers

For Valentines Day, John made a beautiful, romantic dinner...Beef Wellington. I fed Charlie and set him up with his toys (within eyesight of course). John and I sat down in the dining room and within about 5 minutes we see both dogs and Charlie crawling towards the gate separating the kitchen and dining room (reminding me of the body snatchers or in this case the Valentines Day dinner snatchers). We spent the remainder of our "romantic" dinner with the three of them standing on the other side of the gate staring at us with their sad little eyes. I passed them each a bite making all three happy.

Enjoying Nice Weather

We had a rarity this February...a nice day!! We took advantage of the great weather and took all three of our "boys" on a walk. Murphy and Guinny were very pleased as this is their fave. Charlie had fun for about 1/2 of the walk and then was over it quickly. Mommy speed walked him home before a melt down as Daddy finished walking the other 2 boys.