Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Charlie's First Birthday

We celebrated our sweet baby's 1st birthday on Friday, April 2, 2010. The Glacken Family joined John, Charlie and I in the celebration. We turned the breakfast room into a "fire station" complete with a firetruck cupcake cake. Charlie loved being the center of attention. He enjoyed all of his presents (especially the Jeff Gordon NASCAR from Gramma and Poppy). He loves to press the button on the steering wheel (it makes the noise). Poppy taught him how to blow the party favor kazoos (I don't know what they're called??). He loved his cupcake. He was very dainty at first and then he tore into the sweet treat. I can't believe our little one is already 1 year old! Where has this year gone? We love you Charlie!!!!!!!!!!

Mommy's Helper

Charlie loves to help me with my household chores. For example, when I'm loading the dishwasher, he inspects the dishes and removes them if they don't pass his inspection. Sometimes, he likes to climb onto the door...that's my favorite! When doing the laundry, he likes to tip the basket over and climb in to it. What would I do without my little helper???

Sunday, April 4, 2010

One Very Loved Nephew

Charlie has a special bond with my sister Erin. She is his god mother and a very doting aunt. She loves to spend time with him and he loves her too. I thought I'd devote a couple of pictures to Charlie and his Aunt Erin.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

First Plane Ride

We lost a dear loved one, my uncle Woody on March 20th after a long and courageous battle with cancer. We flew to St. Louis for his funeral and thus Charlie experienced his first plane ride. He did really well on the crying or screaming at all. In fact, on the ride home, another passenger commented that he was "such a good little girl". Poppy says Charlie was mistaken for a girl because he is so pretty and I agree! These pictures were from the ride home and the picture quality is pretty poor. We were so tired after waking up at 4:30 am for the flight.

We'll miss you Woody..................
He's a sleepy, sweaty head but still cute. Notice the three bottom teeth through his paci!! :)

I want to play piano too!

Charlie likes to join in on Daddy's piano playing. He sits in Daddy's lap or stands on his tippy toes to reach the keys. He's no maestro yet but his playing is music to our ears.