Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 30, 2011

Visit with Emma

Eliza had a playdate with her friend Emma (my friend Elise's daughter) in early May. The girls are so cute together. The girls played together on the blanket while Charlie took a dip in the pool. Notice his purple color....I didn't realize that the water was that cold. It didn't help that he loved getting in and out, over and over. All of a sudden, I realized that he was purple and shivering. I felt like "SuperMom" when I realized my baby had hypothermia!!! Okay, so I'm being dramatic but next year, we will definitely wait until Memorial Day for a swim.


We have lived in our house since 2002 and our backyard has been a real dilemma. It's really large (3/4 of an acre) but it's pie shaped with our house sitting in one side corner and it's really woodsy. We have so much poison ivy that it's not even funny! So little by little, John and I have been trying to tame the wildness. We made a lot of headway this Spring. Check it out.