Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Is There Anything Harder?

...than getting your 2 year old and your 8 month to sit together lovingly for a picture?

That isn't it....


Definitely Not!

I hear you baby!

Not quite.....


Deja Vu

From time to time I get a genuine case of Deja Vu! Having two babies so close together, it seems like Eliza is doing things that Charlie just did yesterday. Time moves too fast!! As I write this post (which is way over due), I'm in disbelief that my baby will turn 1 tomorrow. Here are some pics of Eliza in May (as a pretty new crawler....disclaimer: she took her first steps last night so I need to catch up on my posts). I've also included one of Charlie because I have a similar picture in the same pajamas.