Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Photography Class

In May, I took a one day photography class at a friend's Art Co-Op for Women here in Charlotte. The class taught the mechanics of using the digital camera and centered on how to take good pictures in manual (not using the automatic camera settings). It also taught a little bit about picture composition. It was very helpful to me because I've been wanting to learn more about photography if for nothing else than to take great pictures of the kids myself instead of paying a professional expensive fees!! Good photographers are so pricey!!

At the end of class, our families were invited to be our "models". Charlie and John were great models for me!! See some of my favorite pictures below.

Since then, I've had some friends ask me to take pictures of their kids so who knows...maybe once I get better I can turn it into a business one day.....a lot of practice from now!! Any friends who are reading this....I'll do pictures for the experience/practice so let me know if you are interested in being my guinny pigs!

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