Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Charlie the Christmas Moose

We put the Christmas trees up today. John found this set of reindeer horns in the Christmas bins. We bought these at the pet store for the doggies (a few years back). I guess John finally found a head that they fit. Check out our little Rudolph (complete with a red nose).

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Who's a Little Piggy?

After his excercise it was time for some lunch!! What a cute and messy boy!

He's on the move!

John and I were convinced that our little boy wonder was going to skip crawling and go straight to walking. He showed no interest in crawling but loves to stand. We tried everything to motivate him to crawl but to no avail. Well, there is one thing that Charlie loves best of all...the tv remote control (in addition to moving cars, balls, dogs, and pretty girls...he's all boy). As he was trying to steal it from his daddy, we thought maybe just maybe he would crawl to the remote. We put it on the floor and put Charlie about 3 feet from it and sure enough, he did it!! Yeah for Charlie. I guess it's time to start baby proofing!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Answered Prayers

Woo Hoo!!! Great news yesterday for Charlie....his kidney looks great. It is markedly improved since his last surgery and we're good to go! We will continue to have follow ups to make sure it continues to drain properly but we don't have to see the Doctor until February. Praise God for answered prayers!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Well, so much for that meteor shower. I went out at 2:00 am and there was a tiny patch of sky that was not covered in clouds. I watched that patch for about 1o minutes and never saw anything so I went to bed. Oh well, what can you do. I still remember this fabulous meteor shower when John and I were first married. We lived across the street from a church so we (John, his brother Bob and I) brought a blanket and some beer and sat on the church lawn watching all of the shooting stars. It was awesome.

I took these shots of Charlie, Murphy, and Guinny yesterday evening. Charlie was standing up holding on to the back of the sofa when he fell right on top of Murphy. I thought I would make it a photo op and get some shots of my three boys together.

Today, we go to the Dr for a follow up ultrasound to see how Charlie's kidney is doing. Fingers crossed. We then make a stop at the pediatrician for a catch up shot..oh joy. This should be fun!

I heard on the 11:00 news that there would be a meteor shower tonight starting at 2:00 am. I love this type of thing so I decided to stay up for it. This left me with one problem...what should I do between 11 and 2?

Well, I could finally create a blog! It's something that I've wanted to do but I haven't been able to find the time (until tonight!!).

It's been a very busy year! Charlie is almost 8 months old already. He is growing up so fast. His height is off the charts and his weight is about 70%. He is a clone of his Daddy. He is doing something new everyday. Oh, he makes us laugh!

Well, it's almost time for that meteor shower...let's hope I see some shooting meteors soon so I can hit the hay!