Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Well, so much for that meteor shower. I went out at 2:00 am and there was a tiny patch of sky that was not covered in clouds. I watched that patch for about 1o minutes and never saw anything so I went to bed. Oh well, what can you do. I still remember this fabulous meteor shower when John and I were first married. We lived across the street from a church so we (John, his brother Bob and I) brought a blanket and some beer and sat on the church lawn watching all of the shooting stars. It was awesome.

I took these shots of Charlie, Murphy, and Guinny yesterday evening. Charlie was standing up holding on to the back of the sofa when he fell right on top of Murphy. I thought I would make it a photo op and get some shots of my three boys together.

Today, we go to the Dr for a follow up ultrasound to see how Charlie's kidney is doing. Fingers crossed. We then make a stop at the pediatrician for a catch up shot..oh joy. This should be fun!

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