Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


We took the kids to meet Santa last week. Charlie and Santa met last year and they were great friends, but Santa must have done something really bad in the meantime because Charlie was pretty ticked off at him.

Eliza wasn't sure what was going on. She thought Santa was pretty nice!

I think we know who is on the "nice list" and who is on the "naughty list"....

December Photos

One of my favorite hobbies is taking photographs. My kids, of course, are my favorite subjects! Here are some of my faves from the past couple of weeks.....

Monday, December 13, 2010


We hosted Thanksgiving again this year. We were lucky to have my Grandparents and my Aunt Chris and Uncle Paul, along with the usual suspects (my parents, sibs and their families/girlfriends, etc.). We enjoyed everyones company for 2 days. My grandmother got to meet her namesake for the first time (Gloria Rose and Eliza Rose). She loved holding her and giving her kisses. Charlie enjoyed all of his peeps! A couple highlights: My mom dancing and singing "Play That Funky Music Whiteboy" (part of a game but it was hilarious..Erin has it on video but we're forbidden to upload it to the internet), and PaPa loving the "Teds" (John's pimento bread appetizers that my Grandpa couldn't get enough of hence the name). He told John that if he marketed and sold those snacks, he'd be a millionaire. :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Card Fantasy

I had thought about our family Christmas card for about 2 months. I envisioned this perfect photo of my two beautiful children sitting side by side on my perfect Christmas card.....

Ha! Try getting a 19 month old to sit still for a picture. He was a moving target and was not interested in my perfect Christmas card at all! We tried enticing him with a polar bear pulled out from the crawl space...

Yeah, those turned out lovely didn't they?

We tried enticing him with Skittles placed strategically on his sisters head and in her chair....

Maybe next year! Oh wait, Eliza will be 14 months...nevermind.

And here are some of the better shots. Look for some of these on your Christmas Card!


Whoa, I am really behind on this blog. But, with two under 20 months, I'm giving myself a break here! We enjoyed Charlie's 2nd and Eliza's 1st Halloween with pumpkin carving, decorating the front yard, and trick-or-treating. John had his heart set on Charlie being Snoopy for Halloween (Snoopy was John's favorite friend as a little boy). I ordered a Snoopy costume in size 2T but we couldn't fit Charlie's head through the neck hole (LOL). My poor child has inherited his parents giant heads. It's an Irish trait and stereotype! Well, you know what they say about when the shoe fits...

I returned Snoopy and headed to Target. I settled on the Gnome and he looked so cute. Of course, everyone thought he was Santa....Who would dress up as Santa for Halloween?

Eliza was an adorable little lamb with pink bows. So sweet.

Eliza slept in my arms throughout our trek through the neighborhood for candy. Charlie really got the hang of the trick-or-treating. On our way home, we couldn't get him to stop going up driveways. I can't imagine what he was thinking..."I just walk up to a porch, ring the doorbell, and they give me candy! This is awesome!"