Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Big Day

We went to the hospital the morning of 9/8/10 to begin our induction for baby #2. Labor progressed very smoothly and we were over 1/2 way there by 3:00pm. However, around that time labor stopped progressing. The baby's heartbeat was decreasing dramatically with every contraction and the baby was not descending. At 9:30 pm, the Dr. advised us that a C-section was probably the best course of action because there was something causing labor to not proceed and it wasn't in the baby's best interest to keep trying. John and I prayed about it and decided that we would proceed with a C-section.

Here a couple of pics from that day. Mommy with baby arriving to the L&D room. This would be our last picture of baby in belly! The other pic is John dressed up for the surgery. :) So cute!

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