Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Big Boy's Last Days as an Only Child

I wanted to get some pictures of Charlie before his sister arrives. We're not doing anything special in the pics, just lounging in our PJs. Charlie is usually contained to the back of the house but I let him loose on the front and you can see him exploring and getting into everything. :)

He is almost 17 months old in these pictures. He is such an amazing little guy. He is slow to talk (just said "Bye Bye" for the first time) but we call him our "little engineer" because he figures out everything. His problem solving skills and ability to get into things is amazing. He outsmarts the most popular child proofing gadgets. I think he takes after John. John always sits back and contemplates a situation before talking or taking action. On the other hand, he gets a few things from me too. Charlie hates to be isolated from us and has to be the center of the social action. He doesn't like to be alone--a lot like his mommy in that way.

We have been so blessed with our little boy and even though we are adding another sweet baby to the family, Charlie will always be my baby too! I love you Choo Choo Charlie Bones!

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