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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Charlie and Eliza's First Boating Experience

Finally!! On October 9, 2010, we were ABLE to take the kids on their first boat trip. Our boat mechanic was waiting for a part all summer long and we weren't able to use the boat at all until now.

We suited the kids up in their life jackets. Eliza's had a built in pillow to support her neck so she was pretty comfortable as long as I held her. Charlie wasn't sure what to make of it. The highlights for Charlie were steering the boat, "talking" on the seaphone (CB) and eating a candy bar. John said "I don't think he knows that this is fun yet". I was amused by that statement. As if something that weren't intrinsically fun to one could become fun by understanding that it is supposed to be fun. :)

Anyway, I think they will enjoy it when they are a bit older. For now, I think we'll have to have my mom or aunt Erin babysit when we want to enjoy the boat.

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