Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 4, 2010

Our First Month

We have almost wrapped up our first month as a family of four. Charlie is adjusting quite well. He had his Mimi and Grandpa here for a little over a week. They showered him with tons of attention and that really went a long way toward making him feel better about making room for his little sister. After that week, Daddy had to go to West Palm on business so Gramma came to help me with the kids. She was a very big help and Charlie loved having her here.

Charlie responds to Eliza's every wimper and coo. He goes running to her and touches her head or tries to give her a paci (before he steals it for himself). However, he still has an image to uphold so he doesn't like it when we notice his sweetness. He acts very indifferent to her when he knows we are watching (what an actor).

Eliza is growing like a weed. She is about 2 pounds bigger than she was when we brought her home (she was 5 lbs and 15 oz on her arrival at the house). She has terrible reflux and we feel so bad that she is uncomfortable a lot of the time. I'm taking her back to the pediatrician today to see if we can get her fixed up. Say some prayers that we can get it figured out so she can feel good.

Here are some pics from the last week.

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