Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 28, 2011

First Day of Spring

I wanted to take some photos of the kids outside on the first day of Spring. Here are my beautfiul babies.....

Boys and Their Cars

Charlie loving on his new wheels (this was Daddy's when he was a little boy). John kept such good care of it. I hope our soon to be 2 year old will keep it in good shape.

St. Patty's Day

John made his 2nd annual St. Patrick's Day feast....Irish soda bread, colcannon, shortribs and breadpudding with Irish cream. Yummy. Here are some pics of my little leprechauns (proud of their 25% Irish blood). :)

Lady in Red

John took this photo with his camera phone at the park and I just love it!

Eliza Meets Emma

Charlie, Eliza, and I babysat my friend Elise's new daughter Emma one day in February. It was the girls' first meeting. They are so close in age and live so close so I'm sure it's the start of a beautiful friendship.

Cute Sidebar: Charlie was so curious as to why there was another baby (I'm sure he was scared that this would be permanent). They were both in their seats on the table and he was peeking at Emma. I told him that he could get up on the chair to look at her if he wanted. Apparently, he thought I was asking him to pick teams and he walked around to the other side and got in the chair next to his sister. It really warmed my heart to know that he knows and loves his sissy! I don't know why that is a surprise, I guess I'm always surprised that he is a smart, little person and not a baby anymore!!

Valentines Day

I spent Valentines Day (day) with the two littlest loves of my life. They truly give the word "love" new meaning.

We had another first on Valentines Day....Eliza's first cereal. Yeah, what a mess!! So stinking cute!

After family time, Chef John prepared a delicious and romantic Valentines Dinner. I'm a lucky girl.

Yet Another First

Okay, I know, I'm getting redundant but I plan to have this blog printed and bound as a baby book so bear with me. Here is Eliza the first time she used her exercauser. See story below for the Einstein jumper. Charlie loves to revisit his old toys.


Finally, I was able to scrape together enough hair to hold a barrette! Now, mind you, we cannot move our head too much or we will lose our newest accessory but hey, it's a barrette and it's not glued on!

Fashion Plate

This is what happens when you let a 22 month old pick out his clothes.

Visit with Reagan, Claire, and Evann

In February, Eliza and I took a girls road trip to Raleigh to visit my great friends Allyson and Lynnel. Ally has a two year old and a baby that is 3 months older than Eliza. Lynnel has a baby girl that is six months older than Eliza. So it was a girl fest! It was fun to see them together. Claire (Ally's youngest) could really get Eliza to laugh. Who knew "Dah, Dah, Dah" was so hilarious? Evann was 11 months and already walking! They were all so cute!

Another First

Eliza's first time in the baby Einstein that MiMi and Grandpa had given Charlie. Charlie has revisited his "youth" and loves to climb in it himself....but he gets stuck and can't get out. :) I love it when they play together. Eliza really adores Charlie. He's a good big brother and really looks out for his baby sister.

Quilt from Cousin April

John's cousin April surprised us with this beautiful quilt for Eliza. Thanks cousin April!


Obligatory baby in the bath shots. Here are a couple of my lil' piggy at 5 1/2 months.

Can't leave Charlie out. Here are some of him around the same age (a little bit older, he was 7 months).

Mueller Family Piano

We were fortunate to receive the Mueller family piano. This piano was my mother and her sisters' piano when they were kids. I grew up with it and now my kids will get to learn how to play on it too. Let's hope they get the mad piano skills from their Daddy. Charlie was so excited with his new toy.

Eliza in the Jump-a-roo

There are many firsts to document. So here is the first of many firsts that I'm going to be posting as I catch up on the past 3 months. Eliza is truly a jumping bean!

(As I post this, I realize that Eliza is wearing the exact same outfit and she is in her jumpy).