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Monday, March 28, 2011

Eliza Meets Emma

Charlie, Eliza, and I babysat my friend Elise's new daughter Emma one day in February. It was the girls' first meeting. They are so close in age and live so close so I'm sure it's the start of a beautiful friendship.

Cute Sidebar: Charlie was so curious as to why there was another baby (I'm sure he was scared that this would be permanent). They were both in their seats on the table and he was peeking at Emma. I told him that he could get up on the chair to look at her if he wanted. Apparently, he thought I was asking him to pick teams and he walked around to the other side and got in the chair next to his sister. It really warmed my heart to know that he knows and loves his sissy! I don't know why that is a surprise, I guess I'm always surprised that he is a smart, little person and not a baby anymore!!

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