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Monday, March 28, 2011

New Kind of Howland Christmas Party

Most of you know that we through an annual Christmas party that went well into the am every year for all of our local friends. Well, given that the last two Christmases I was pregnant, and this Christmas we have two babies, we went with a more subdued dinner party for 8. We had a 6 course wine pairing dinner that was deliciously prepared by John. It was so yummy!! Since, I am 3 months behind in updating my blog, I can't remember everything but I think we had: pear soup, scallops, chicken in puff pastry, short ribs, cheese course, and home-made chocolate mouse. Wines included Venge, Cakebread, Moshin, Clos du Val, Shaffer, the Prisoner, Scouts Honor and more. We will have to do this again!!

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