Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Girl's Best Friend

Guinny took it upon himself to shower Eliza with kisses (truth betold I think Eliza spit up and Guinness was looking for a snack...gross I know!). She loved the doggie love!

Easter 2011

We had a very nice Easter this year. Charlie woke up to find that the Easter Bunny left tracks from the front door all the way into the kitchen and his highchair where his Easter basket had been left. He was so excited to see those tracks and find his basket. After he found his basket, he retraced his steps and said "Bye Bye Esr".

After breakfast, we headed off to church and met my friend Elise and her family for Easter service. Charlie applauded extremely enthiastically for the handbell and childrens' choirs (while Eliza kept the beat on the pew in front of us) and then jibber-jabbered really loudly his rave review. We got a couple of family photos outside of church.

After church, we had a egg hunt and enjoyed our baskets outside in the sunshine. Nice photo opp too! My family came over for Easter dinner and we enjoyed that time together. Charlie especially loved having his cousins.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Bunny

On Saturday, we took the kids to Birkdale Village's EGGSTRAVAGANZA!! They had a cute little petting zoo set up with baby bunnies, chicks, duckies, lambs, goats, a donkey, a llama, and an alpaca. Charlie loved the baby chicks and sheep the most. He got scolded by the farmer for sticking his fingers through the fence to touch the baby chickens. He really wanted to hold them. The farmer did let him pet a baby rabbit and the bigger animals. Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera. We had to go back to the animals three times before we left.

We stood in a long line to meet the Easter bunny. As we approached, I started to get nervous that we might have a Santa-repeat (Charlie in hysterics). Charlie was in good spirits as he watched some older boys wrestling in the grass. We were finally second in line with one little boy in front of us. Of course, that was the ONE little kid that was scared of the Easter Bunny. We were so afraid that his anxiety would spread to Charlie but Charlie was a rock. He sat calmly with Mr. Easter Bunny while Eliza cried. I think she cried more out of exhaustion than fear. Charlie really liked him and even cried when he had to get funny! He didn't want to leave him. Easter Bunny 1 Santa 0.

Visit to Mimi and Grandpa's House

Last week, we took the kiddos up to Fairfax for a visit with Mimi and Grandpa. We had a great time and the kids were spoiled oodles of love, hugs and kisses, extra attention, toys and sugar! :) They had so much fun! Charlie was in rare form...he loved nosing around Mimi's house checking out all of the treasures. We were exhausted each night from chasing him down. Eliza was a sweet and smiley little girl.

We took the kids to the National Zoo. We joke that Charlie is like a T-Rex in that he only notices an animal if it moves. We tried so much to get him to notice an animal but if it was still, it went right over his head. :) However, he like the Orangs, which were perched above us on cables and he LOVED the elephants. He really lit up for them. He was "talking" to them and doing his Elephant imitation (something we picked up from Barnie). He didn't want to leave them. We had a lot of "Bye Bye Ehs" for them. We picked up a stuffed elephant to take as a souvenir. Charlie was very excited about that. He now sleeps with "Mr. Snappy Peanuts" clutched under his arm every night.

Doing his elephant impression!!

After the zoo, Mimi hosted John's Aunt and Uncle and cousins. His cousin Suzy has kids around the same age (and a little older). Charlie and Eliza had so much fun. However, we learned something new about our sweet little angels. They are kind of bullies. Just kidding. Well, in all seriousness, Charlie did like to steal the other kids' toys and Eliza tried her hardest to pull Mina's nose off (Mina is about two weeks younger than Eliza). She is just at that grabby-grabby stage. We are working with Charlie to teach him about sharing. Up until now, he hasn't had to do it much. Here are some photos of our visit.

I always loved the photos of me and my sibs and cousins just hanging in my grandmothers' kitchens. There is just something about your grandmothers kitchen that is so special. Here are some photos of C&E in their grandmother's kitchen.

New Red Door

We updated the front door with a fresh coat of paint in RED! It looks pretty right now with the red azaleas!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Eliza Sits!

My baby is sitting! She is doing it really well. She can sit for 20 or more minutes without falling over. It's great because now it is easier for me to take pictures of the kids long as I can get C-bones to sit still long enough. Doesn't she look so proud of herself? Check out the picture of the kids bending over. I did not tell them to do that, it was just a coincidence but I laugh at it because they look so similar. Even their hair part and cowlick is the same. :)