Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Birthday C-Bones

I cannot believe that my 1st born, the littlest guy in my life is 2! You always hear how time goes so fast but it really, really does!! Call me emotional, but I did shed a few tears, when I put Charlie to bed on his birthday. It just seems like yesterday that he was born. I can't believe how much he has changed. I'm so proud of him. Some of his favorite things to do these days are 1) vaccuming (he even got his own for his birthday), 2) "helping" mommy (laundry, sweeping, dishes, etc), 3) going on walks, 4) cookies, 5) doggies, 6) cars, Signing Time videos (teaches sign language...which he is picking up really well), 7) riding his new jeep, 8) "chewies" (vitamins which became known as "chewies" because I would always tell him "chew, chew, chew") and 9) imitating mom and dad (which is not always flattering).

He is a very sweet big brother, he is nurturing to Eliza and gives her lots of kisses. He is uber-smart (a whole year ahead according to the developmental specialists) and is at or above his age group in all areas (gross motor, cognitive, social, etc). He is going to start speech therapy twice a week to help him with his verbal motor skills and speech. I have no doubt that he will do great because he is my superstar!

His stats are 35 1/2 inches (70-90 percentile) in height and 31 lbs (70th percentile).

Here are some pictures from his birthday party with family and a couple of his close friends.

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