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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Storm Scare

We had an adrenalin filled night last night. At about 1:50 am I was awoken to a very loud and scary rolling noise outside and the house was shaking. Half asleep, it took me a minute to figure out what was going on outside. I felt like we were underseige but I didn't know by what. At first, I thought it was an earthquake but then I was scared that it was a tornado. I grabbed a robe and went and got the kids. With one in each arm, we headed down to the powder room (our lowest and most interior room). I grabbed the phone and computer so that I could get on-line and see if there was a tornado in the area. There were no warnings only watches. Charlie thought it was great fun. He had his toy vaccum and was busy flushing the toilet and washing his hands over and again. Once it blew over, I checked the house and then got the kids and put them both to bed (they went right to sleep again).

I thought for sure that it was a tornado but according to the news they believe that there were widespread straight line winds of up to 70 miles an hour. They do think a few tornados touched down (only one confirmed) but I'll never know if we had one or not. I do know one thing, I'm getting the weather radio figured out (we bought it 2 years ago and never learned how to use it).

I took some pictures of the damage to the yard (our yard and 1/2 of our neighbors yard were the only ones with any real damage)...strange.

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