Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Bunny

On Saturday, we took the kids to Birkdale Village's EGGSTRAVAGANZA!! They had a cute little petting zoo set up with baby bunnies, chicks, duckies, lambs, goats, a donkey, a llama, and an alpaca. Charlie loved the baby chicks and sheep the most. He got scolded by the farmer for sticking his fingers through the fence to touch the baby chickens. He really wanted to hold them. The farmer did let him pet a baby rabbit and the bigger animals. Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera. We had to go back to the animals three times before we left.

We stood in a long line to meet the Easter bunny. As we approached, I started to get nervous that we might have a Santa-repeat (Charlie in hysterics). Charlie was in good spirits as he watched some older boys wrestling in the grass. We were finally second in line with one little boy in front of us. Of course, that was the ONE little kid that was scared of the Easter Bunny. We were so afraid that his anxiety would spread to Charlie but Charlie was a rock. He sat calmly with Mr. Easter Bunny while Eliza cried. I think she cried more out of exhaustion than fear. Charlie really liked him and even cried when he had to get funny! He didn't want to leave him. Easter Bunny 1 Santa 0.

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