Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a very nice Easter this year. Charlie woke up to find that the Easter Bunny left tracks from the front door all the way into the kitchen and his highchair where his Easter basket had been left. He was so excited to see those tracks and find his basket. After he found his basket, he retraced his steps and said "Bye Bye Esr".

After breakfast, we headed off to church and met my friend Elise and her family for Easter service. Charlie applauded extremely enthiastically for the handbell and childrens' choirs (while Eliza kept the beat on the pew in front of us) and then jibber-jabbered really loudly his rave review. We got a couple of family photos outside of church.

After church, we had a egg hunt and enjoyed our baskets outside in the sunshine. Nice photo opp too! My family came over for Easter dinner and we enjoyed that time together. Charlie especially loved having his cousins.

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