Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 30, 2012

Blue Fedora

My kids love this blue fedora.  They get their fashion sense from their dad. :)

Cooking with Daddy

Charlie is at the age where he loves helping us in the kitchen.  John is better than me at letting him do "real" cooking.  I don't like him getting his hands in raw meat or getting too close to the stove.  John gives him a little more supervised lee-way.  Here is Charlie learning how to bread pork or chicken or something (I can't remember since it was months ago!!).  

Christmas 2011

Murphy's last Christmas


Santa brought me a new Speedlight for Christmas.  Here are some pics I took while learning to use it.

Santa's Loot

Santa spoiled the kids this year!

Christmas Eve 2011

Ian, Gavin, Eliza and Charlie

Justin, Gavin, Erin, Tim, Ian, Me, Eliza, Charlie Gramma and Poppy

Fun in November

2011 Christmas Card Photos

Circus training, squirrel herding, childbirth....just some activities that I think are easier than getting both toddlers to cooperate for a picture.  I was so frustrated after taking these photos.  We tried everything, including cookies but we ended up with cookie mess and cookies being held up in front of cute little faces.  Anyway, I was so surprised to find a few gems in the lot.  In fact, I think our Christmas card was the best one we've ever had and I am not sure that I will be able to top it next year.

Visit to the Vineyard

In November, we visited the Daveste Winery in Troutman.  That's right, I said Troutman.  Who knew there was a vineyard and winery just north of Lake Norman??  Being the wine snobs that we are, we had very, very low expectations.  However, we were pleasantly surprised.  The wines were not bad for North Carolina (actually, probably my favorite NC wines).  The tasting room had lots of art to peruse and there were some great photo shop opportunities on the grounds.  We brought the wagon and they enjoyed being pulled around by Poppy.