Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fourth of July (2011)

We celebrated the 4th of July with the Pops at the Park.  Great music and fireworks and fun with Gramma, Poppy, Aunt Erin and the boys.  I didn't bring my camera but I did get some pics of the kids in their patriotic duds before we left.  Note Charlie's broken arm.  This was his first (and still only) broken bone.  It happened in June of 2011 (he fell off a kitchen chair...just one of those freak things where a wierd landing from 2 feet snapped his arm like a twig...litterally, they called it a green-stick fracture because it broke and bent as if you tried to break a young/green tree limb).  He handled it like a champ!!

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