Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Eliza's First Birthday

"What?  Another year older?  I'm over the hill..."

"Just kidding, I love birthdays!!"

Some of the first steps

Best buddies
I still can't believe that my baby turned one (which is odd since she is closer to 2 as I write this).  I guess you're never ready for your babies to grow up.  She took her first unassisted steps 2 days before her first birthday so we had a walker on the big day.  Eliza loves animals so we had a pink safari decor for her party.  It was a small party (family and a couple close friends).   Eliza's favorite gift was probably the stroller (which has since been replaced since it was played with so much and broken).  She is such a sweet little mommy.  She feeds her babies and puts them to sleep, strolls them around and cuddles them.  It's so cute.  Her favorite baby is a pink bunny that she calls "Ma Ma" (which by the way, she called "Ma Ma" long before she ever called me "Mommy" :) ).  John, Charlie, and I call the bunny "Stinky Bunny" because She carries it everywhere and sucks on his nose which gets this sour smell.  I was constantly washing it so now we have 2 "Stinky Bunnies" so that there is always one available.  As I write, she is napping with both "Stinky Bunnies".  Anyway, if there is a dollie in her play stroller, she will hastily remove the dolly and throw it on the floor and then tenderly place "Stinky Bunny" in the stroller and lovingly push him around.  Seriously, she's not so subtle as to who her favorite child is!  

Eliza clapping after the "Happy Birthday" singing (singers out of view....I'm not sure why everyone is on one side of the room??)
Eliza and Emma playing

Charlie was also a fan of the stroller

And now we know why the stroller needed replacing with a sturdier version!!

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