Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 27, 2012

Eliza's Baptism

We baptized Eliza on June 5, 2011.  Her godparents are my good friend from college (Cathy Sembower) and her uncle Bob (John's brother).  It was a beautiful but hot day and our sweet Liza Bean was a trooper through the sprinkling!  Notice my poor baby girl's baptismal cap on BACKWARDS.  I took all my photos before the service.  When we got to church, my mom informed me that the cap went the other way.  I wasn't about to retake the pictures in the 95+ degree heat.  She looks like the teenage boys in the movie Wierd Science when they wore the bras on their heads.

Eliza Rose
The Godfather 
The Godmother

Proud Parents

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