Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 27, 2012

Slacken Glacken

I am the biggest slacker!!  I keep this blog for one reason and one reason only...I planned on printing and binding it and letting it serve as my children's baby books.  I figured, this would be a good method of journaling their growing up and that I could keep up with it easily.  Well, judging by the fact that my last post was dated September 2011 (and that post was going back to May 2011), I'm not doing so well.  You know what they say about best laid plans.......

So, this mountain of 11 months lay before me.  I have been putting it off and putting it off but I've got to tackle it sometime.  So here goes nothing....  I am just going to highlight the last year with pictures and a few notes (it is doubtful that I can remember the details with the lack of sleep I am getting now that Charlie is in his big boy bed).   WARNING: This may be incredibly boring to anyone other than parents and grandparents.  This could take me a few days (or weeks)!!

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